Saturday, February 24, 2007

Robocon R' Sodrohu

I got two good news to share with the world today.

My mom has finally recovered from her illness. Whether it was really dengue or not, I will never knew, since she was down with symptoms that hinted dengue but the doctors never really determined whether it was really dengue or not. Either way, I'm thankful that she's now healthy....well, not exactly, but otherwise much better than previous.

I has finally joined the Robocon marketing team.

*waits for any signs of amazement, surprise or whatever...*

Right. It's not like I was expecting any anyway. Anyway, for those who don't know, Robocon is one of the biggest engineering events in UTP, aside from FSAE and EDX. You can easily guess what it's all about; building robots and later putting them into competitions. Of course, all the competitions currently involve stuff like stacking donut-shaped styrofoams in pillars, line tracking and the like, so it's definitely not like Robot Wars or BattleBots. A pity, but hey, this is as close as you get to the real thing, so I might as well not complain!

I've been drooling to get into the damn team even before entering UTP! Naturally during my first Foundation sem I tried for the interview but failed to secure a seat. Now I've made a comeback and this time I succeeded!

Well, initially I was vying for the technical team instead. However, I realised that being in the marketing team gives me the equal exposure to robotics, robots and the makings of one as me in the technical team. Besides, I heard the technical people are pressured to finish their projects fast and on time, so I guess I can relax a bit if I joined the marketing team.

Just last night we had our first meeting, and get introduced to our boss (president), old timers (seniors) and department heads (dept heads). What I didn't really like is that I am relegated to the Decorations dept - initially a serious blow to my image. I was hoping that I would get Logistics instead! However, as fate would have it, the Deco dept and the Logs dept was combined since there are only two new people in the Logs dept - and the seniors are often absent. So even if I am not in Logs, I can still have a shot at it, have a go at it - not a bad turnout indeed.

Why am I so excited anyway? Guess I am really obsessed with robotics - real or otherwise. I collect mecha models at home and I intended to put some in my room too, just for the sake of showing off. And once I'm in Robocon, I'm going to try and build my own robot - a wheeled one, then maybe a hexapod of a quadrapod.

Okies then, chiaou!

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