So yeah, gotta study. I'm going to have 2 final exams every week for the next three weeks.
Digital Electronics, Health, Safety and Environment, Structured Programming, Vector Calculus, Microelectronic Devices and Circuits and Network Analysis.

Currently having a vendetta against Network Anal-lysis as I busted its derivative last semester, Circuit Theory.
HSE sounds like a real trouble for memorizing.
DGE demands knowledge on combinational and sequential gate logic design. Pretty tough.
for(i=0; i<= 10, i++);
printf("I need more exercises on flowchart, pseudocode and writing the program itself\n"):
return 0;
Vector Calculus. A straightforward subject. I wish my total understanding on it is the same though.
MDC. The lecturer has leaked, for the most part, the topics that's going to come out in the exam. It should be easy, or at least straightforward. It better be.
Wish me luck, everyone.
you call this an announcement?? HAHa.. Best of luck for the finals afnan!
'course this is an me anyway....
Sodrohu thanks you for your support!
hey dah tak yah register nak commment =D
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